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Archive for the 'Australia' Category

The Appeal of Australia

February 18, 2015
posted by David Harrington @ 3:32 pm

Australia is a fascinating country to visit. It is a very large and diverse country that cannot be experienced and appreciated in a single visit. It has everything from the great barrier reef to mountains to massive desert regions, along with many fine cities. The area in and around Sydney is a great place to visit, and a week can be spent there just seeing and enjoying the sights. A one-week railway pass, which is very cheap (about $60), will take you nearly anywhere around the area or along the east coast (the rail system is amazingly good and convenient). It should be noted that the Australian dollar and the United States dollar are very close in value, and can be treated as approximately equal. The cost of living in the big cities of Australia is higher than in the USA, and items such as food will cost you about 60% more. However, the minimum wage in Australia is quite a bit higher than that in the USA, so it doesn’t seem to bother the Australians.

As for the railway pass, its not just rail travel that is covered … you can take ferries across the harbor for great restaurants and a fine sunset view of the Sydney skyline. You will also enjoy sitting in the outdoor cafe at the waterfront by the Opera House and having a beer and a pizza as you view the harbor bridge and some of the largest cruise ships in the world loading passengers. They speak English there … well, sort of!  You will get used to it after 4-5 days, but the accent is tough to understand at first. After a couple of weeks even you will be saying “G’day mate”. The Blue Mountain National Park is a two-hour train ride north of Sydney (using your pass), and should not be missed. The mountain scenery is spectacular, with the Three Sisters, cable car rides across the gorge, and a series of cascades and waterfalls that you do not want to miss. As with the rail pass, you can buy a Hop-On-Hop-Off bus pass that will let you see more that 30 sights in the Blue Mountains on your own schedule. Plan to spend three days there seeing it all.

Brisbane and Canberra are relatively close, and should be visited, and the famous Blow-Hole at Kiama on the South Coast is only an hours relaxing train ride south. Don’t go down to Kiama to see the Blow-Hole on a calm day however, as it needs the waves to perform like a geyser. To visit the Qutback and the Ayers Rock area usually requires a flight out of Sydney, as it is a long, arduous drive. A compromise might be a shorter trip to Broken Hill, where the Outback begins. There are some fine National Parks and Lodges there that can provide some spectacular nighttime stargazing and unforgettable views of the southern cross and southern milky way.  No trip to Australia could be complete without a trip to a koala sanctuary where you can hold a Koala bear and see wombats, wallabies, platypus ducks and kangaroos. It might cost you $10 to $16 to get your photo taken holding a koala, but do it. The photo will be a great memento of your visit there.